Ear-Ring-A-Ding: Earrings that have no specific home, but live contentedly with other homeless earrings. Earrings by for your ears only….



ERD512 $42

EAD511 $20
Pr of red pepper earrings with African glass and cut bead accents.

EAD505 {mm}
Vintage golden brass earrings with set blue stone. Very lightweight.

EAD504 $38
Pr of large baroque pearl earrings.

EAD503 $38
Pr of large baroque pearl earrings.

EAD502 $20
Pr of faux pearl acorn style earrings with gold caps and pearl accents.

EAD501 $10
Fun and silly little creatures who will take a bite of your ears!

EAD500 $10
Fun and silly little creatures who will take a bite of your ears!

EAD499 $10
Fun and silly little creatures who will take a bite of your ears!

EAD497 $38
Small baroque pearl earrings with silver finish accents.

EAD491 $38
Earrings with Kazuri beads as central design in graphic pattern. Lampwork beads as accents.

EAD476 $32
Enamel on copper earrings, with green bead accents.

EAD471 $20
Pr of earrings, golden finish winged Pixiu (brings lucky money) with cinnabar bead accents. Pixiu….head of Dragon, body of horse, legs of Kylin, and can fly.

EAD468 {mm}
Pr of earrings, vintage Limoges porcelain in bronze setting held with twisted wreath.

EAD467 $32
Pr of earrings, vintage, 50 year old hand-painted Chinese Koi bead. The other side of the bead also has Koi with delicate seaweed. These beads vary from soft white to pale pink…..all lovely.

EAD466 $32
Pr of earrings, vintage, 50 years old hand-painted Chinese Koi beads. The other side of the bead also has Koi with delicate seaweed. These beads vary from soft white to pale pink….all lovely.

EAD453 $20
Pr of earrings, green glass cabochon in antique silver setting.

EAD452 $20
Pr of earrings, pink glass cabochon in antique silver setting.

EAD451 $32
Pr of earrings, gold pavilion with emerald green accent.

Pr of earrings, lampwork chickens with green accents.

EAD436 $32
Pair of earrings, cinnabar winged lucky Pixiu (brings luck with money). Flat stacks and cinnabar beads for accent. Pixiu…..head of Dragon, body of horse, legs of Kylin, and can fly.

EAD433 $20
Pr of earrings, carved and painted design with beaded accents.

EAD430 $32
Pr of earrings, Chinese vase with design on front and Chinese writing on reverse, bead accent.

EAD428 $32
Pr of earrings, carved cinnabar with silver accents.

EAD422 {mm}
Pr of earrings, enamel on copper with beautiful surface design both on the painted surface as well as the exposed copper detailing.

EAD421 {mm}
Pr of earrings, lovely detailed enamel on copper with additional painted design.

EAD418 $20
Pr of earrings, polymer clay design for ball and tube beads with small bead accent.

EAD417 $20
Pr of earrings, carved white bone tube with translucent red bead acccents.

EAD416 $38
Pr of earrings, Kazuri beads hand made by tribal women in Kenya with beaded accents.

EAD415 $38
Pr of earrings, hand made and painted Kazuri beads, by tribal women in Kenya with bead accents.

EAD404 $20
Pr of earrings, hand painted with lampwork cap and further beading.

EAD403 $20
Pr of earrings, vintage hand painted with lampwork cap and beaded accents.

EAD402 $20
Pr of earrings, hand painted with accent beading.

EAD401 $20
Pr of earrings, hand painted with accent beading.

EAD400 $32
Pr of earrings, translucent lampwork in dk turquoise and blue with additional lampwork accents.

EAD399 $32
Pr of earrings, polka-dot lampwork with additional lampwork accents and beads.

EAD374 $32
Pair of earrings, interesting lampwork beads with more flat lampwork for accent.

EAD371 $20
Pair of earrings, long antique silver cone with white opaque drop.

EAD363 $32

EAD362 $32
Pair of earrings, large brass curls.

EAD360 $20
Pair of earrings, bronze with brass rounds for accents.

EAD353 $32
Pair of earrings, fabulous lampwork horse with lampwork barrel tube beads.

Pair of earrings, vintage earring base created by Barcelona jewelry Montse artist, 20 years ago.

EAD346 {mm}
Pair of earrings, tigers eye drops’with verdi and beads for accents.

EAD344 $32
Pair of earrings, free form bells with black and orange and black bead accents.

EAD343 $38
Pair of earrings, silver cones drops with smokey beads.

EAD315 $32
Pair of earrings, beautiful color, cut and slice copper and mineral combination.

WS310 $20
Pair of earrings, wooden hands (created for buttons) found in Africa, 20 years ago accented with vintage African and Chinese tube beads.

EAD309 $32
Pair of earrings, the vintage base created by ljewelry artist Montse in Barcelona 20 years ago.

EAD306 $32
Pair of earrings with hand-painted beads and brass palm leaves.

EAD304 $20 SOLD
Pair of wooden beads earrings with stone and brass accents.