Whispered Secrets: Earrings not only have stories, but wear their secrets, just as we all do. I help them tell those secrets in the form of Limited Edition earrings with a poem or a bit of prose, of course, for your ears only. Limited Edition of Three. Earrings by for your ears only…

WS123 $65 Warrior Daughter
My daughter, hear the whispers of war......As the battle begins to start.....Draw on your warpaint carefully.....And show you're strong of heart....You are swift.You are not afraid.....With baby on your back and gun in hand......You ride beside the other braves.....To save our Cheyenne land......When the silence is broken, you will not be forgotten......Your fight will not have been in vain......Our people at Little Big Horn know you well.....Our history remembers your name.

WS122 $58 Blanche
Times are hard and money is scarce.....I'm just a girl who is down on her luck.....But I catch on quickly and can give it a try.....A smile and a dance can make me a buck.

WS121 $42 Julia
I look a bit haughty, but I'm not......I look a bit naughty, but I'm not.....I'm an actress. you see.....Or I want to be.....I'm also a model.......With a dicipline to follow......I constantly work toward improvement......Perfection in my every movement......But I'm not at all haughty......Perhaps just a tiny bit naughty.,,,,,,,

WS120 $42 Maggie, Short for Margaret
Mother tells me my time is up.....I've just turned 20 and starting to fade.....I have beaus aplenty, but with my luck......By twenty-two, I'll be an Old Maid.

WS119 $58 Edgar Allen Poe
Landing on his windowsitll......The Raven, a bird of Magic and lore......Helped to write a tale of woe.....But sad to say "Nevermore".

WS118 $58 Violette
Violette, her name was electric.....And she lit up the night.....She made the men happy.....And never ask more....Than a dinner or diamond.....If that paid the score.

WS117 $58 SOLD - How to Capture a Fairy
Enticing her nicely with a crystal of pink…..Treating her gently and causing no pain…..She's wrapped rather loosely with a small bit of chain......She's easy to capture and easy to lose….. She can fly away quickly without even a bruise.

WS116 SOLD - Pendant - Cave of the Warrior Monk
NEWS RELEASE....A cave recently discovered by two children may hold the secret to an ancient society. These artifacts found in the cave reveal how this Warrior Monk lived surrounded by mystical elements of healing as well as articles of intimidation and death. A massive war shield lies beside a large banner proclaiming him a man of God. Who knows what secrets these items will continue to tell us!

WS115 $58 - Daisy
I'm hardly an angel.....I'm sure you'd agree..….But money is tight.....And nothing is free……So I do what I have to.....And then I'll move on.…..Tomorrow the dressing room's empty......And this Daisy is gone!

WS113 $65 - Who Am I?
I'm very lovely and very rich. Perhaps even a bit of royalty…....My jewels might tell you that, but beyond the face, not much to see.......I look neither happy nor sad. Just lost somewhere in history..….See if you can find me there or will I remain a mystery?

WS112 $42 - The New Blue Hat
I love blue! Don't you?....Blue as my baby's eyes, blue as the morning's skies.......My husband loves me, don't you see. He went without so I wouldn't pout.......You may think me frivolous or a bit of a fluff......But I do love blue! Don't you?

WS111 $65 - Colette
She was a can-can dancer in the city of Marseille…..She danced each night in a small cabaret...…She loved a fine gentleman who gave her three wishes…...He brought flowers and candy in exchange for her kisses........Her first wish was marriage, but as everyone knew…..,Wishes are cheap. Only her love was true.…..She was a can-can dancer in the city of Marseille…..She danced each night in a small cabaret.

WS109 $42 - Annabelle
Daddy calls me Princess, Mommy calls me Sweet Pea,
Brother calls me Baby Girl, and I just call me--Me......Brother tells me secrets, Daddy gives me whirls, Mommy teaches me to tie my shoes, and play nice with other girls........When the meanies come out on the cold dark nights, Mommy gives tickles and kisses and tucks me in tight.

WS108 $42 - Young Girl
How far away are you? How many miles? With your pretty red parasol and your sweet little smile........I think, perhaps, years away and that should make me sadder,…..but contentment spreads across the years, that's really all that matters.

WS106 $65 - Lady and the Fan
She was lovely in her diamonds and pearls,,,,,,And turned the head of many a man.,,,,,,But often a bit flighty as weii.,,,,,And could disappear with a flick of her fan.

WS104 $42 - Elizabeth
My name is Elizabeth. Not Beth and certainly not Lizzie…...I'm married to a fine young man and our two children keep me busy.......Women in my circle never work. Help for the children and help to cook..…We maintain our schedules and run our homes by the book...…I'm well taken care of. Look my best and never bore…..I have a reputation to consider, but often wonder........Is there more?

WS102 $52 - Excitement at the Pyramid
The Egyptians had a conniption when the Sphinx called Cleo a jinx.….The Asps and Scarabs were up in arms and set off a dozen alarms..…The Pharaohs stated things did look funny…..Till Cleo explained, “Just looking for my mummy.”